Monday, October 22, 2007

100 Things About Me

1. I am a Leo
2. I have a 10 year old Son.
3. I love SCRAPBOOKING!!!!
4. I love to make people feel good.
5. I have a short temper but its getting better.
6. I have Cats, just a couple...
7. Callie, Gidget, Ben, Sassy, and Meatball...9 new babies.
8. I am very picky on folding clothes.
9. If its not perfect, I am not happy.
10. I hate going to the laundry mat...dirty people there.
11. I need a vacation.
12. I am very close with my family.
13. I struggled in school, but did well in College...hrmm!!!
14. I've been on the internet now for 8
15. I am a Sims 2 addict.
16. And a Big Fish Games addict.
17. I can be very lazy, if I choose too.
18. My Boyfriend never listens to me...and I always prove him wrong.
19. I was married, now divorced.
20. I have PCOS....which sucks.
21. I would like to have another child.
22. But greatful for the one I have.
23. On July 4th, I lost most of my personal belongings.
24. We had a flood in our basement, over 3 feet.
25. Its like starting all over again.
26. I was severely depressed over the Summer since then.
27. I hated people for a long time.
28. I still do, wait...just certain people I "Dislike"...(landlord)
29. Karma is a Bitch
30. I bought my own Van this year...
31. Still making payments on it.
32. I love my van.
33. I have 3 nieces and 3 nephews.
34. They are all cute as pie.
35. I have Twin Sisters.
36. WOW...and they are still alive.
37. Anyone having twins knows that a miracle itself.
38. My fears are bridges.
39. MothMan Propecies....yeah....that's my fear.
40. I love horror movies.
41. The movie 28 Weeks Later, really upset me.
42. The hate of the Husband onto his Wife, made me cry.
43. I am usually not like that in movies like that.
44. I sleep with a fan on my every night.
45. I wish there was no starving kids in this world.
46. Every child deserves a loving and stable home without violence.
47. I've seen too much abuse in children.
48. While I was on the Fire Dept. in a city up North of me.
49. I watched two people die in front of me.
50. One took his last breath, eyes closed and went to sleep.
51. He never woke up.
52. They called time of death was actually 2:30pm.
53. I was the one that called it...for the Fire Dept.
54. I miss being on the Fire Dept.
55. Very rewarding....yet can be devastating.
56. It takes a strong person, make sure you thank a Fire Man/Woman today.
57. They sacrifice their lives every single day.
58. I can't say that enough.
59. While on the dept., I thought one morning when the call came..
60. That it said my address. Woke me up.
61. It was my neighbors.
62. He lost his dog.
63. It still sits with me.
64. It was a life changing experience.
65. I got pregnant, within a month of joining.
66. I stayed on until I was 7 months along.
67. Yes...7 months.
68. I love to talk right before going to sleep.
69. When I was little, my Mom slapped my face for talking with my mouth full.
70. I still remember it.
71. Will never forget it.
72. It hurt.
73. I love my Mother will all my heart.
74. She deserves so much, and I wish I could give it all to her.
75. My my Daddy. I love him so much.
76. We have had 6 different births of kitties here.
77. I helped deliver, 20 kittens...I am a pro now...NOT.
78. I love taking Pictures.
79. I plan on getting a better camera.
80. I want to make a living using a camera.
81. I know its possible.
82. I just need a good camera.
83. I am the oldest of four kids.
84. I have to set the example.
85. Grrrrr.
86. I also enjoy surfing the internet...
87. My Son has ADHD.
88. And selective hearing.
89. He gets that from his Father.
90. My Son loves to play his Mama.
91. I have special names for my Grandparents.
92. Grandma Up the Hill...she really lived up a hill.
93. Grandma Down the Hill...she really lived below the hill.
94. I ran away from home when I was either 2,3, or 4...
95. I can't remember but my Grandma reminds me everytime I see her.
96. I was going to my Grandma and Papaw's house.
97. I drank coffee at a very young age.
98. Still do.
99. Give me Starbucks and I am your friend to the end.
100. I am engaged to be married Next Year.

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